Welcome to Boydton!
Boydton, Virginia, the county seat of Mecklenburg County, is located approximately in the center of the county on U.S. Highway 58. Norfolk is 140 miles to the east, Richmond is 95 miles northeast, Danville is 60 miles west, and Raleigh, North Carolina, is 80 miles south.
Learn more about Boydton:
Boydton is located in the heart of Mecklenburg County, Virginia and serves as its seat of government. Our town is two miles from Buggs Island Lake (John H. Kerr Reservoir), home to world-famous bass fishermen tournaments and with plenty of opportunities for camping, swimming, skiing, hiking, and boating.
The Boydton Town Hall is located at 461 Madison St in Boydton. The Town of Boydton offers several services, including police, fire, EMS, water/sewer/trash, and more. Elected officials include the mayor and Town Council, of which you can also view minutes.
The Town of Boydton and the surrounding region offer a number of attractions and things to do, including the Tobacco Trail, the 50,000 acre Buggs Island/Kerr Lake, and more. There are several bed and breakfast and campground options as well.
Community News
The Town of Boydton is seeking a Chief of Police. Click here for the full announcement.
Click here to view the Annual Water Report (PDF).
Attention Boydton Residents! Be on the lookout for anyone using water from an unmetered hydrant in town or the immediate area outside of our town limits, especially anyone filling water tanks on vehicles or trailers. Notify the Town Office immediately should you see this happening at 434-738-6344.
Contact Us
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